Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Training tip for your puppy


There are several teams that you should teach. Stay is one of them. It is important that the puppy understands what being a word not to move. You can teach your puppy to use this command from those sitting or lying down, but you should make sure that he knows what to do. It may take a long practice and told him to walk. If he moves to the next, you must take note of surprise and to return to the starting point. If you listen, and remains, even if only for two or two, listen to praise him and do what you said to do. You can extend the time to ask him to stay as it becomes more and more used to the team.

Another important feature in a dog is to go on a not drowned. You can use the fifth team teach this lesson. You should practice this lesson again and again to make it clear that you want to do. Another important characteristic is to get your dog, you know, when you want to exit. This can be partially or Saturday near the door. He must learn not to jump when he greeted the people. A good way to do this is that when people sit down approach.

He must also learn to control when other approaches. He does not bark or cause anyone to run until it permits. Inside the house, you should not let it go on your furniture. If you wish, you can allow him a decoration that he knows very well. You should train him begging for food on the table. Unfortunately, family members may make it difficult to be tempted to feed it.

Do not allow your dog to get in trouble. It should not be able to leave their property without a leash. You may think that means that he does not need training, but it is not. On the possibility to let him go, to listen to your orders and respond to commands, it can save his life. For example, a woman of well-trained Spaniels has left the door open, went to his car, on the other side of the road.

When he looked back, saw their dogs descended the stairs and the car is on the road. The use of teams, has taught them, ordered his down. "And they did as they said that, as in cars increased. He then allowed them to come and commends obedience training had given them.

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