Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Bertie Langton Beginners and Inters



Young Dotty  a collie course started a few weeks a go a bit of a handful, barking pulling but what a transformation a few weeks can make. Positive and calm handling on the part of his owners has transformed this young pup into a calmer more biddable dog that is now showing tremendous promise. The journey is not over yet but the potential of this dog is evident to all and I for one am looking forward to seeing this pup develop.


The inters continued their good work from last week and it is a joy to work with this committed group of dog handlers who are finding success easy to come by although probably are not so positive as I am. Now the basics have been consolidated the members are now able to undertake more work orientated exercises such as scent and nosework.

There are still a few laces left for the sheep social on Sunday 1st April if anyone is interested.

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