Selasa, 24 Mei 2016



Arrived at the trial with proceedings halted due to fog. An hour or so later it lifted to gradually reveal a sunny day for most of the day. When I left Skye was 4th with the sheep difficult on the turn but manageable and difficult to pen as they always seem to be at this trial. Mac was unlucky to have his outrun interupted by the handlers at the top sending their dog round the sheep to bring them back onto the letting out post just before he arrived. Unfortunately Mac was drawn in and the sheep were already upset . The fetch was not good but he receovered well up to the crossdrive gates after which one ewe decided she did not want to play and set of on her own agenda. I wasted no further time and let the others try their luck.

Trials are drawing to a close at the moment which is a shame as this is the first time in ages I have spent so much time training my own dogs all year and the improvement is evident, even if lady luck has her loyalty misplaced at the moment.

Two more trial left. Skye and Mac have both qualified for the Midshires Championship but unfortunately I have work commitments in Devon. Pity the more sheep Mac has to play with the better he runs.

Speaking to a number of handlers this week who have competed at the early Derbyshire nurseries the sentiment has been clear from some: "I wish I hadnt have taken my dog to nurseries as more harm was done than good" Sheep have a way of teasing young dogs and provoking mistakes - maturity sometimes brings a better set of tools enabling young dogs to cope better.

On second thoughts I will keep Jake at home for a few weeks more.

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