Selasa, 03 Mei 2016

New Class at Church Langton


Welcome to our new members at CH Langton - We started a new 7 week course for our Beginners and Intermediate classes. I really must thanks our regulars in the Intermediate class for supporting us and being so commited to their dogs.

May I appologise for the disruption to our website and if you follow the website regularly please ensure you clear your cache as there have been a number of changes made recently and you may well be reading old, offline content.

There are many new elements such as a new gallary, online enrolment and greater information about the services we offer.

Might I remind the beginers that there will be a talk on week 4 so no dog that evening. Feel free howver to bring bisuits, we will provide the hot drinks.

There is also going to be an outdoor sheep social course on October 1st and places will be limited to 6 Details ot follow.

We are also missing some enrolment forms so if you have not completed one would you please download one from the website  or use the online form so we have your contact details.

See below

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