Kamis, 05 Mei 2016

To the Woods for the Holidays with your Dog


It is really great to get away from it all and enjoy the Holidays in a warm cabin in the hills.  The air is brisk, the snow is fun, and you have more than enough time to enjoy all the stuff in the forest.  But what about your dog?  This is something new for him.  What do you do to make sure that he will be happy and safe?

If you live in a warm climate like South Florida, you will understand that it never really gets cold down here.  Because of that, our dogs don’t really experience what “cold really is”.  If you are planning a trip to a “winter cabin in the hills”, you should properly prepare for your dog’s well being in the woods.  Here are some ideas:
  • Don’t have your dog’s hair cut before you go.  The long hair will help keep him warm in the cold air.
  • If you are in snow, make sure that you dry him off when you come back inside.  You don’t want him to stay wet and possibly become sick.
  • (Even though I normally don’t recommend this), get doggie sweaters, especially for your little dog.  Warmth is always critical and we want to assure that they maintain their body heat.  Do not leave the sweaters on in the cabin.
  • Be aware of how long he is outside.  Remember, it is cold!
  • Always have your dog on a leash or long lead while you are out of the cabin.  You never know if he will just take off after something.  Since he is not familiar with the surroundings or possible creatures in those surroundings, this could put him in danger.
  • Before you take him for walks, follow the path you will take by yourself.  Check the area out for any poisonous plants, prickly bushes, animal tracks, etc.  As I mentioned earlier, always walk him on a leash and take a walking stick in case you need to ward off any creature.
  • Be sure to take enough food to last the entire trip.  You may not find a dog food store up in the hills.  Having to switch food could cause stomach issues and potty problems.  That is one thing you don’t want in your rented cabin.
  • Take his crate and toys.  This will allow you to keep him in his “happy place” when you need to be away from the cabin without him.
  • Be sure to actively schedule play time with him.  You are up in the beautiful hills and your time might just get away from you.  You don’t want to leave him alone in your cabin all day, every day.  Make sure you plan your outward excursions in such a way that you will be back at the cabin multiple times during the day for play and bonding time.  If you can take him with you on your outings, even better!
  • Go on the internet and find the name of a local vet.  Call them to confirm their office hours.  If possible, get your dog’s chart from your local vet.  In case something happens while you are in the hills, it is better to be safe than sorry.

These are some of the steps we have taken when we go up in the hills with our four dogs.  They absolutely love the mountains and the fresh, brisk air.  If you have any questions, please contact us immediately so we can help.  You can get us at The Best Dog Trainersin South Florida

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